There are a few things to understand before using the tool.
Would you like to go through it with us ?


Course Elements

These are the characteristics that define your course that will be conducting the community service activity. The tool will ask you to pick one option for each category.

Course Outcome

This refers to the outcome that the course would like the students to achieve.
Cognitive Learning has a 'thought and thinking' mode of learning. Examples of abilities that will be demonstrated are memorization, reasoning, and the solving of problems methodically.
Affective Learning has a mode of learning that deals with emotions. Examples of abilities that will be demonstrated are appreciation, motivation, and self-confidence.
Psychomotor Learning has a mode of learning that deals with action and physical activities. Examples of abilities that will be demonstrated are typing and building.

Class Size

This refers to the number of students involved in the community service.
Small has less than 20 students involved.
Medium has 20 to 40 students involved.
Large has more than 40 students involved.

Student Classification

Refers to the students' year that will be involved in the community service.
Freshmen refers to First Year students.
Sophmores refers to Second Year students.
Juniors refers to Third Year students.
Seniors refers to Fourth Year students and above.

Community Elements

These are the characteristics that define the community where you wish to conduct your community service. The tool will ask you to pick one option for each category.

Community Area

This refers to the target area to conduct community service.
Urban refers to cities.
Suburban refers to areas that are outside the cities.
Rural refers to areas further than urban and suburban.

Population Type

This refers to the target population that the students will be engaged with during community service.
Expansive refers to the young and growing such as the students in Sekolah Rendah and Sekolah Menengah.
Constrictive refers to the adults and the elderly such as school teachers and the elderly at retirement homes.
Stationary refers to focused groups such as NGO groups or Hobby Clubs.

Community Needs

Refers to the community service activity that the students will conduct in the community.
Policy changes refer to activities that changes a law, policy, protocol or rule which are intended to guide or influence a community's behaviour. Examples of activities are requiring schools to provide full healthy meals or making a public zone smoker-free.
System Change involves a change in an organization or system. Examples of activities would be implementing lunch programs at schools or implementing initiatives that encourages online skill learning.
Environment changes involves a change in economic, social, or physical context. Examples of activities are the installation of system that records the number of students that enters and exits the school's library or the improvement of the walking paths for the disabled.




Fill in the questions regarding the course elements and the community elements (as explained above) and submit.

Measuring Suitability

HEIMatch will measure the suitability and suggest suitable communities based on the characteristics that you submitted.


Effectively conduct your community service based on the results and suggestions!

You're All Set!

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